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Your Nose Knows!
ou are following your knows!

You  know more than you think you  nose.

In the activities below  you use your
 brain and your knows:

  Knows Hairs
Smell Bound
See the Smell
knows to nose
Nose Apart
Pick Your Nose
Hold your Nose

Being  human means that we are not ruled by smells.
The social behavior of most animals is controlled by smells and other chemical signals. Dogs and mice rely on smells to locate food, recognize trails and territory, identify kin, find a  mate. Social insects such as ants send and receive intricate chemical signals that tell them where to go and how to behave at all times of day.

But humans "see" the world largely through eyes and ears. We neglect the sense of smell—and often suppress our awareness of what our nose tells us.

Mothers can recognize their babies by smell, and newborns know their mothers  the same way. Smells that surround you affect your well-being throughout your life.

Smells  have a power over us. A whiff of pipe tobacco, a particular perfume, or a long-forgotten scent can make us remember scenes and emotions from our past.

When you enter a room
your nose  will tell you
 something about the place
 before you knows. 
Learn to Listen to  your Knows