Home Button

Button to where you ARE outside the box
Button to before Activities
Button to after Outside the Box Activites
Crayon animarionOutside the Box Jumping Red Crayon Animation

Button to a Clone of your Very Own
Button to Clouds
Button to Coxswain
Button to the Maze Craze
Button to Mirror Mirror
Nose To Knows Button

Button To Pig Mints of Your Imagination
Button to RIghting Adventure
ScramBamble Button
Water Link

OutSide the Box Drawing    
High School example drawing
Beyond the Box
Choose a picture on this page
and print it out or cut out part of a picture from a magazine and paste it on a piece of paper
Next get a drawing tool, i.e., a pencil, pen, markers,
 crayons, lip stick or what ever you have around to draw with and draw what you think is going on
outside the picture box.
 Be creative !
Give your friends the same picture
and see how many different outside the box pictures you and your friends can create.


Draw what you think is going on
 outside the picture box.

 drawing around the box of the picture
Lower Elemenary example drawing
Picture Gallery
Puppy Picture drawing outside the center of the picture
Picture for outside the box drawing

outside the box picture of a doll
hand picture for outside the box drawing

Right CLICK on each picture.
Save the picture.
Print it
Draw what is beyond
 the picture box

Picture of spider attack for outside the box