Thinkamajiggers PreActivites

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Sometimes in an instant, we see things so fast that our mind is three jumps and a skip a head of our brain.  The underground  regions of our brain sees and understands things before we do. Many times our brain decides <at the speed of light> that the thing we are looking at is some thing  totally different than what it actually turns out to be upon closer, longer inspection.  The other day my glob of gooey gray matter and  I went out  for a walk ,my brain ( gooey glob of gray matter)  thought she saw a rabbit on the side of the road.  Upon closer 
inspection,  the rabbit turned out to be a big rock. Now a rock and a rabbit don't really look alike, but the underground submerged parts of my brain thought it saw a rabbit. So now when I see a rock, I think RABBIT!

To open these submerged areas of your thinking and wondering- here are a few activities to do before you look at ScramBambled pictures.

1.  Get on you back and look at the ceiling. Nice ceiling, Tell it to "Stay!"  and it will obey. Or stand on your head.

2.   Close one eye. You can put your hand lightly over your closed eye. With the other hand point to things in the room and on the ceiling.  Look at them upside down or sideways.
  •  Do they look like something else?
  •  Do they remind you of something you saw somewhere else??
  •  What did your brain decide you were looking at??
  •  What did you think you were looking at?
  • Change Eyes -check out - does everything look the same out of your other eye?
Remember to listen to your gooey glob of gray matter. Your mind will let  you see many possibilities of what you may or may not be looking at. Listen to your gooey gray matter  glob and have fun!

Alternative idea- Turn everything upside down in your room and look at it standing up!